Friday, January 20, 2012


So, I'm in trouble again...typical of me. Even though trouble just seems to follow me lately, not like I'm one of those rebellious teens chasing after danger and possible consequence, but I just always find myself wrapped up in a big tangled mess that one of my bad descisions created. So yeah, it was about thongs. So, my mom is psychotic about the smallest things, one of those things being thongs. I think she forgets that I'm a freshman in high school, and part of growing up is taking those baby steps at becoming a adult, but no, I'm stuck to wearing ass covered underwear like I'm 12 years old. It makes it worse that every mother I've talked to about this issue sees no problem with thongs, but I'm stuck with the mother that is so pig-headed and stubborn, that she refuses to sit down and soak in what I'm saying, and the thought that I could have a point about how now that I'm in high school and I should be allowed to wear a different kind of underwear, she won't even dance on that topic. Just one of the things that makes me want to rip every strand of hair out of my head is when I talk to my mother, she thinks she's a five star parent, like she does the mother job with perfection and grace, when recently she's been a ticking time bomb, and that brings out the worst in me. Of course I'm going to have a bad attitude with a mom that makes me want to punch myself in the face&a step-dad that probably has a undiagnosed mental issue at times, and the two of them together lecturing me makes a thunderstorm turn into a tsunami. I wouldn't be surprised if I ran away in the near future, if that day came I wouldn't be that shocked, being locked up like I'm a terrible kid (which I'm not, I never even do anything) makes me crave my freedom more than any other. I need to get out of here.

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