Friday, November 25, 2011

am I really at this crossroad?

So, as I mentioned before, my feelings change a lot about him. Daily, I have a different outlook on how to react toward our wavering relationship. So, I texted him yesterday, since it was a holiday I thought it would give me a good reason to text him, and I wouldv'e felt like a total jerk if I didn't. So, I did, and he didn't answer when I first texted him, which kind of bummed me out, but yet not really at the same time since there is this new boy I'm getting more&more&more intrested in as the days go by. His name is ****, and he's adorable. I knew him from class, and we'd talked, but I had never seen him as boyfriend material till recently. We went to the game together, and it was then and the previous days before that, that I really started noteing the genuine feelings I had for him. It all started on a Wednesday, when I called him to ask him about something, and as he was getting off the phone I stopped him, and said "No, will you stay on the phone with me?" and he did. For like 5 hours. Not kidding, I had school the next day and we talked for 5 hours.
That's when he started making appearences in my head daily.
Oh, and *** ended up texting me back like a hour and a half later, we talked for a little while, texting of course. I think we may be friends, he said he wants to hangout when I'm back home, I have no idea what to do.

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