Tuesday, November 29, 2011

math test, submissions, and rug burn.

I decided that I'd stop using **** to disguise names now, it just seems unnessisary, since I haven't even told anyone that I made this blog, because if I did I'd feel like a complete idiot if anyone read anything I write about. So, yeah, just saying.
So, I stayed after with Nick today. I have a pretty massive math test tomorrow, and since I am terrible at math I asked Nick to stay after with me to go over my notes so maybe I won't bomb this one. And I could have just wanted to spend time with him too.
He did, he stayed after with me.
I have Spanish 4th hour, and since it was a blue day, Nick&my class are right across from each other. So, when my teacher lets us out, since she always does like 3 minutes early, I waited for him like always standing in the same spot like every day, right by my classroom door. After the bell rang, I got stepped on by this one girl, and headed out the big swing doors into the outside hallway, with Nick of course.
Normally, we walk past my locker outside, where Nick walks me to my bus&then runs to his, because walking me always makes him late. I told him not to walk me anymore, since he always barely makes his bus, but he insists on walking compleatly opposite of the direction he should be going, to walk me. He's just like that.
Since today wasn't like the typical day though, Nick walked me practically across the globe, because we walked around the whole highschool, for like no reason. I think there was a reason, but I can't remember why, I think it might have been because he wanted to find a spot for us to go to, but kept changing his mind. So finally, after like 15 minutes of trying to figure out a spot, he picks the staircase right by the basketball team's loud&roudy practice...smart right? It wasn't that loud or anything, but I was all worried we'd get in trouble with someone who just happens to use the staircase and get irritated were not in a supervised area, but Nick was all, "Chill out, no one ever uses this staircase." I stopped talking about moving spots, but that didn't ease my anxiety about it at all.
We stayed in the staircase for a while, I went over notes&thumb wrestled at the same time, which wasn't exactly a good studying tecnique, so I have a lot more studying tonight. I was starting to get more wary of our spot when I heard more people passing the door, so I packed up my stuff and told Nick we were moving, he didn't agrue or anything but ironically enough, after all our stuff was packed up&we were walking down the stairs, a gym teacher walked in the staricase, so I picked a good time to move.
After, we went to the Freshman Center and just sat at these red tables and messed around. He took my stuff, and tried to throw it in the garbage, and I took his phone, we arm wrestled, he put my leg in a "submission", I got rug burn, Nick left me for like 5 minutes because "i made him mad", and he threw a pencil at me that almost hit me in the eye. And the rest is history.

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