Saturday, November 19, 2011

this is why i'm a blogger advocate,

There is no better way to rant than to write about it. Sometimes ranting by speaking isn't really affective, because most of the time I hold in a lot of what I really wanted to say, even though a character trait of mine is being outspoken, ironic huh? Any who, basically I just finished watching "Bridesmaids" and laughed so hard I cried, I love perverted humor. 
I really miss him, the one I talked about twice before in my blogs. But he's been included in almost every post, not by words, but by pictures. A lot of the pictures I love the most are the ones that portray the true beauty of love, for those who think they achieved it. You never REALLY know what true love is though, because there will always be someone out there that has something about their relationship (or not relationship in complicated situations) that's "better" than someone else's. I guess love's true beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Because sometimes I see couples and think "woah, they're either desperate or blind." , and then I'll be with him and people will give me that same look, and even make comments about it. But I just look at them and smile, because in my head I'm thinking "He's the best thing I've ever known, and if I have a choice, ever will. Why would I look for anything else, when the best I could ever imagine is physically right in front of me."
Then I'll look at him and smile, and he'll do that crook smile thing that I absolutely adore, and just looking into his eyes, a deep sea of blue-green pigments, make's my heart squeeze in my chest. They may think I'm blind, but I only truly see when he's with me.

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