Sunday, December 11, 2011

as promised, here's a recap.

As I said in my last post, Ian&I met at a church group "jumpy party" thing. It's hard to describe exactly what the party was, since the only reason I went was because I was dating this guy Austin, and we went to the same church, and I thought it would be a good place for us to hangout since we wouldn't have to split up into out own groups this time.
I can remember the day like it happened two hours ago.
I was driving there, and explaining to my mom how she'd pick me up at the normal time, and that it was just one of those random partys that church gropus throw, since realistically youth groups don't really teach you anything, there always really laid-back. So, she dropped me off, and i met up with my friend Gabby like I always did, and we were just sitting around with another group of friends.
The party started, and I don't remember the unimportant parts of the party, but I di vividly remember the first moments I spent with Ian.
The first time I remember seeing Ian was when I was on the upper level of the church, standing in line for one of those jumpy machines, because Gabby&I wanted to duel eachother. My eyes were scanning the vast group of kids for Austin, and instead of Austins eyes, my eyes met with one of his friends...Ian.
I recognized Ian, since I had seen Austin earlier walking around with a large group of kids, and one of those kids was Ian, so his face was some-what farmiliar.
We locked eyes, and I just sort of kept my eyes focused on him, and just as I wouldn't remove the hold that I had on him, he kept his gaze focused on mine. It was one of those strangely intimate moments with complete strangers, but for a split second, it felt strangely comfortable, the feeling that I had when our eyes had a set target on one another.
That moment lasted for realistically 10 seconds. Then he glanced back, and realized his friend's had been walking away, so he looked at me once more, and ran towards them.
Gabby&I dueled after that, but all I could think about were those blue-green eyes.
As we were dueling, Ian came back.
I couldn't believe my eyes, one second it was just a sea of strangers, than he was back, and even though he was a stranger to me, I felt this odd warmth and safeness when he returned. He came with Austin, Keaton, Frank, and a few other people I can't remember, and we laughed as Gabby&I fought each other, and when I exited the inflatable, there he was in the flesh, right in front of me.
It felt weird, since I had a "boyfriend", but I was so amazed with this mysterious charecter, I knew from then on I wanted to figure him out. I wanted to know him, talk to him, and see him again. Mostly to see him again...
The night followed with all of us in a group, walking and talking together, but Ian&I had not shared a word yet.
Later, Gabby&I were sitting on high stools and eating popcorn when I saw Ian going up to the counter and buying pizza. Then I asked Gabby about him.
Me- "Who is he?"
Gabby- "I don't know, but he's cute."
Me- "Yeah, he really is..."
That was it, I refused to sound crazy by trying to say Ian&I had a "moment" together, I knew I'd sound ridiculous, and I didn't even believe myself that we had a moment either...
Afterwards, Austin, Ian, and everyone were all sitting on a huge beanbag, and it was my time to leave. As I walked up to Austin, Ian glanced up and we locked eyes again. Longer, and closer up now, it was a different kind of power I felt at his glance. My heart felt like all the blood and oxygen had just been squeezed, and my internal organs felt like those small pressure toys, at the mercy of a child with anger-management. My pulse seemed to stop, the lights seemed blurry, and I felt instantly ill.
He looked almost puzzled, gazing up at me like he had something to tell me, something he'd never get the chance to tell.
That moment was shattered by Keaton's chanting at Austin&I to kiss, and I just blushed and kept looking at Ian, I know now that my expression looked as if I was in pain, because Ian retaliated by making the same pained expression at me. I didn't want to kiss Austin.
So, I nodded my head and said no.
Keaton then joked that he'd kiss me, and this took me totally off-guard, and I was already so flushed and embarrased, I just turned around and left.
I got in the car with Ian on my mind, thinking I'd never see those misty eyes again.
Oh I was wrong, this was just our beginning.

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