Saturday, December 10, 2011

time to pretend.

Winter is ever so depressing. Seriously, I hate winter. People find pleasure in the thick sheets of frozen rain falling from the gray sky, but to me, with every fleck of snow that falls on my shoulder it feels like another pound to add on to the weight I already bear. Why do I feel so strongly against snow? Oh, it all started back in my golden ages, when it was my time to pretend because I lived for the moment, and I knew I'd be a kid forever, even when people told me I wouldn't. That's where I met Adam, and dated him in 6th grade, and we dated in the winter time, I remember that because I was overjoyed it was snowing, because I knew he'd ride the bus home with me, since he couldn't skate with his friends home. Well, the reason I hate snow is because during the time of Adam&my "relationship" Adam would break up with me all the time, and it made me really upset, and I didn't think I had anyone to talk to about it. Until me and Ian started talking again. Ian&I met at this church "jumpy party", and he was there with a few other peopleand I'll explain more about it some other time. But the reason I hate snow is because it reminds me of the time when Ian&I were our strongest, and when my first love blossomed and was nurtured by the gentle flecks of snow falling over our small town.
And now that we're so distant, the snow is choking me with the same force that it created me with.

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