Saturday, December 10, 2011

my weekend, wrapped up.

Yesterday went a lot like this, Paige's house. That was basically it, and since today is Saturday, and it's only 7:14 and it's dark out, my Saturday is coming to a close. 
Details on yesterday?
Nick&I actually went to lunch today, since we've skipped a lot lately, and it was actually pretty good. Lunch isn't always the best, it's sort of unpredictable, people&their mood swings always affect my mood, so when people aren't in the happy-go-lucky mood that I love to be around, lunch sucks hardcore. Luckily for me, Nick, Paige, Elizabeth, Jon, Anthony, Jeremy, Drew, some random kid, and myself all sat together, and it went smoothly. You never really know with Nick's friends, so I was happily surprised with that "family-like" energy everyone seemed to be giving off. To make it even better, my least favorite class (Spanish) was the best class of the day, since we had a awkward wanna-be hipster as our selected substitute. I felt kinda bad for her, since she had absolutely no authority over the class, but really I could care less since I got to talk to Antwan, Devonte, and Tommy the whole time(:
So, after school ended it was the same, except I got to go home with TWO of Nick's clothing with me(: His shirt on my back, and his sweatshirt in my arms just made the bus ride home so much sweeter. 
When I reached the homestead, I was posed with a problem. I wanted to go hangout at the Cuban's house (Paige), but Lauren was making those plans impossible. Lauren&I had been kinda weird to each other since "I'm spending all my time with Nick" and she incessently keeps talking about new number one pet peeve, the word Zach.
Eventually it all got worked out, Lauren and I would go to Paige's, Nick&Antwan would come later, and Mark&Branden would come by later. So it was just Lauren, Paige, and I for a little while, then around 6:30, Nick&Antwan came over, followed shortly by "the shredders". 
Here's the problem with my boyfriend&shredders...he absolutely hates them.
So, that's a problem, when me&my friends are all friends with shredders, I'm not even as close to shredders as I used to be, but I'm around them a lot, and that makes it hard on me because it's already hard for me to hangout, so now let's throw in that Nick hates the people I'm around when I can hangout. I can't go over to Nick's alone, since my mom said I have to be 16 to "date". Whoops.
Anyway, to make a very long story shorter, Nick ended up getting mad at me halfway through the actually mad at me.
Nick, Antwan, and I were on a walk since Antwan had no one to talk to and I wanted to give Nick a break from everyone else, and ironically enough about 5 minutes before we left I was going through my phone and Nick saw Ian's number in my phone. It said "Ian is a Sexy Beasttt" and Ian put that in there when I was in like 7th grade, and it had a picture of him attached that he sent me when we were talking at the beginning of freshman year. So Nick got all annoyed and joked around that he was mad, and not to talk to him, and since he just deleted this girl Brittany's number from his phone (some girl he used to really like) I decided I'd delete Ian's number since we don't talk anyways. So, as we were on a walk me&Nick were just messing around, like we switched shoes, I put on his thermals, and he put his underwear on my head. And we were having a really good time, when I sat on the ground and felt my phone vibrate. I thought it was my mom, so I took it out and saw the number and saw it was Ian...
Here's the thing, me&Ian talked since I was in 7th grade, so I remember his number be heart, I just do. So I said out loud, "Oh, Ian's calling me." And Nick got pissed, he's really sensitive about Ian since I mentioned before how I was like in love with him, and he said he wanted to talk to him. But this is how the conversation went...
Me- "Hello"
Ian-"Hello? Hello, Gabi?"
Then my phone died...
One look at Nick and I knew I was in trouble. His face went blank, then smiled and said something along the lines of, "Oh, you remember Ian's number, huh?" Then he just walked away. I tried to catch up with him and explain that Ian&I like NEVER talk, but he just didn't want to hear it. So, to make a REALLY long list of fighting, and seeing Bella, Andi, Oscar, Austin, and like a billion other people I know while Nick&I were fighting short, I'll just say Nick&I are good now, but I just have no idea why Ian called me.
Oh yeah, and I saw my great grandma today, and plan on having a lazy day with myself tomorrow(:

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